HomeEducationReport 2019
Report 2019
Faculty Qualifications: We have 100 % qualified faculty who possess master and doctor degree from Accredit institution.


Total 2018-2019 Annual Credit Hours

Of the total 2018-19 fiscal year UNDERGRADUATE credit hours sold, how many of these hours were taught by faculty with an accredited MASTER’S degree or higher?

Of the total 2018-19 fiscal year GRADUATE credit hours sold, how many of these hours were taught by faculty with an accredited DOCTORAL degree or higher 2

Percentage of Qualified Faculty

International University and Theological Seminary (CA)

60: correct

B.Th.: 36 units

M.Div.: 24 units

36: credit hours were taught by Master degree during the term

24 units: credit hours were taught by Doctoral degree during the term.

100%: this is correct number.

Graduation/Transfer Out Rate:


Full-time, degree or certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in Fall 2013 who attended college for the 1st time that Fall

Number of students from Fall 2013 cohort who graduated from their program within 150% of the published time

Number of students from the Fall 2013 cohort who did NOT graduate from the program but transferred to another institution or program

Graduation Rate

International University and Theological Seminary (CA)





  • We had no student until Fall 2014. Students were enrolled from October 2014.